Weekly lottery predictions


Making an impulse decision can sometimes be thrilling, and can even lead to bigger and brighter opportunities. That being said, this month isn’t the month for you to be taking risks or making rash decisions. The number 26 is in your chart to help you keep your wits about you while taking the time to consider every angle of a situation. Don’t listen to the critics about being slow to make up your mind, it’s this patience that will lead you to the bounty that 53 represents. Don’t let others influence the way you make your decisions and you’ll be golden this month.


The number 9 walks boldly into your life this week, Taurus. This could be someone you’ve only started getting to know recently, or it could be your first time meeting this person altogether. In any case, they are here and there’s an instant connection between the two of you. If you continue to nurture this relationship, in whatever form it presents itself, the number 41 indicates a lot of new adventures on the horizon. This could be just the sort of change for which you’ve been looking.


You aren’t much of a risk-taker, Gemini. This month isn't the one to start indulging, either. The number 4 is a number with great wisdom behind it and has you walking a line right now. Rather than giving in to the desire to leap at a 1-in-1-million chance, you will be much better served by following your logical side if you can. The number 48 is always on your side this week and will give you a chance to make up for something that once went wrong. If you decide to engage in this, you may find that even more opportunities present themself to you that carry much less risk.


The number 54 appears in your chart this week as some type of big purchase or another. This isn’t something to be taken lightly. You should consider all of your options when it comes to making the final purchase decision. Take your finances into consideration as well, and ask yourself if right now is truly the best time for you to be making such a large-scale investment. You may feel pressured to make this purchase right now, but you don’t want to end up jumping the gun and being unhappy with the product. The number 69 comes into your chart this week as well and urges you to embrace the philosophy that life is a marathon, not a sprint.


Few people have the level of gut instinct that you do, Leo. This is something you’ve known probably since you were a young child. The number 14 indicates that trusting your instinct this week will be to your grand benefit. Don’t let your thoughts get in your way as you have in the past. The number 38 will act as your guide if you show them respect. It isn’t always easy to tell where or from whom the next big life lesson will come. Keep your eyes open and listen to those around you with sincerity. Their advice may be more applicable than it seems at first.


It can be easy to dwell on the past. Even easier to get stuck in it at times. The number 20 indicates that something from your past is going to surface this week. It could be traumatic or at least remind you of a much younger version of yourself. Try not to let this pull on your heartstrings for too long though. If you lose yourself in the past, you’ll miss out on everything that’s happening in your present. The number 22 will help you move forward without losing the importance or meaning of those aged memories. Take your time to reflect, process, and release. It will be a very cathartic time to go through some self-cleansing.


In the middle of the month, it will be beneficial for you to turn your focus toward your financial situation. The number 13 is one that can give you a little bit of a heads up. It’s not that you need to be financially worried, necessarily, but now is certainly not the time for frivolous spending. The number 15 follows the number 13 in your chart this week and suggests that if you put your mind on your money, you’ll reap the rewards in plenty. Don’t neglect your obligations this week either, as there are more people relying on you than you currently realize.


The number 12 suggests that this is going to be an excellent week for you to start wrapping up loose ends wherever they may be. By attending to these loose ends you’ll find that you have a lot more room on your plate and a lot more mental bandwidth. You’re going to need it to tackle a big influx of work volume coming your way in the next few weeks. The number 21 contains the same numbers as the number 12 and represents that your efforts are being mirrored. This could perhaps be happening with someone with whom you’re already very familiar, or it could be someone you know who has recently piqued your interest. Either way, this is worth an exploration.


Due to something in your recent past, you’ve been sticking to what feels comfortable recently. There’s nothing innately wrong with this, especially when it comes from a place of wanting to feel safe. The number 11, though, will protect you from breaking out of your shell this week. Take a chance and push yourself out of your comfort zone. You’ll surprise yourself with how much fun you have. Not only that but the number 35 is very likely a person that you won’t meet if you don’t get out of your own head a little bit. Not everyone you meet is worth keeping around, but whoever this person is could open up doors you never even thought possible.


Listening is one of the most important aspects of any conversation. The number 10 urges you to keep your lips closed and your ears open. While this goes against your nature in some forms, you actually have a very sensitive core, and just want to help. Take a step back and try to see the bigger picture. This will help you decide where and how to direct your energy. The number 66 will help you in learning something brand new, whether this is a skill for pleasure or for work, your natural ability will make it both exciting and interesting.


Volunteering for a charity or non-for-profit organization can be a great way to give back to the community. The number 3 indicates that this might be something that could bring a lot of good energy your way. In fact, you might even meet someone that could turn into a bit of a romantic interest or at least a flare. This is a good time for you to focus on what you can do to impact the greater good. The number 25 is often a representation of one piece of the whole. By volunteering your time and energy, you’ll feel a stronger connection to the larger community.


As unfortunate as it is, money makes the world go round. This is something that doesn’t often align with your personal beliefs or passions, Pisces. That being said, it’s a reality that we all need to face. The number 16 wants you to pay specific attention to your finances this month and moving forward. There are good things coming your way and a windfall is headed in your direction, but you have to display some level of self-control. The number 27 understands that you typically like to go with the flow, but when it comes to managing your money, you should work on being a bit more strict with yourself.